April – June 2014
he lack of rain for 2013
to date has some of my
friends concerned about their
Hay Fever, also known as sea-
sonal allergies, but for the first
time in my life I can’t wait! I
was a year round allergy suf-
ferer, allergic to everything ex-
cept food and severely allergic. I
have been on a program for a bit
over a year and am happy to say
that my allergies are well under
control and as added benefit, I
have not have a sinus infection
in over a year when I used to get
3-4 a year.
Everyone is concerned with
being healthy, eating better,
exercising more, going green.
One way we can help our bod-
ies reach that goal is by replacing
OTC drugs with a more natural
solution. Essential oils, EO’s, that
are 100% plant essence, provide
plants natural medicine against
viruses, diseases, and bacteria.
These oils are in familiar envi-
ronment when introduced into
the human body as the makeup
of the two are very similar. EO’s
work at the cellular level killing
bacteria and parasites, cleansing
toxins, boosting our immune
systems, and oxygenating our
cells. One drop of EO’s contains
hundreds of unique compounds
offering powerful chemistry to
fight what might be ailing us.
To fight allergies three very
common EO’s are required;
Lemon, Lavender, and Pepper-
mint in equal portions daily
have been reported to provide
up to 12 hours of relief. Lav-
ender and Melaluca are natu-
ral antihistamines aiding with
runny noses and itchy eyes.
Peppermint can control sneez-
ing when taken internally, and
Melaluca can be applied to the
sinus reflex points on your feet,
these along with using the On
Guard Laundry detergent which
is hypo-allergenic.
DÖTERRA EO’s are certi-
fied pure therapeutic grade and
can be use by taking internally,
applying topically, or diffusing
into the air or inhaling them.
I can recommend these as they
are the oils I have spoken about
thru this article, please do not
use EO’s that are not certified
pure therapeutic grade as I can-
not speak of the results. Now
I’m no doctor, I’m just stating
experiences that my family and
friends have shared with me to
this point in time.
Looking forward to Spring?
Lack of rain brings
miserable conditions
Dawn Fischer
Lemon is a purifier, Lavender is anti-everything on top of being a relaxing oil,
Peppermint a breath freshener, and Melaluca aids the skin.
The sinus area is directly under the three middle toes on both feet.