April – June 2014
reat story on “Mr.Thompson with a P”
in your January, 2014 issue. I've been try-
ing to get him services for over a year now and
he refuses. He used to be camped out on Hwy
4/Brentwood Blvd. just south of the Brentwood
Police Department with a small tent.He was there
for quite a while with no waste facilities nearby
for him to use, etc. I sent our County Homeless
Providers by a few times to offer assistance and
he was able to refuse them even though he was
trespassing and living in unsanitary conditions. It
is a real problem.We were finally able to get Code
Enforcement involved to help, but obviously that
only moved him down the road a bit. Unfortu-
nately, that didn't solve the problem, just moved
it somewhere else. Oftentimes there is mental
health issues associated with chronic homeless-
ness. I'm not diagnosing “Mr. Thompson with a
P,”but it could be part of the problem. It would be
very helpful if he would agree to receive homeless
services and any other necessary services, maybe
someday. If we can help further,my office number
is 925.252.4500.
Mary N. Piepho, District III Supervisor
Contra Costa County
e grabbed the current issue of
Living Magazine
(Jan., 2014) off the
table the other night at the Comedy Show at
Trilogy at the Vineyards (Brentwood). During a
break the next morning, I started reading the ar-
ticle you wrote on the homeless man; Dwight …
brought tears to my eyes. The way you described
the moments leading up to meeting him, a person
could just feel your apprehension and uneasiness.
Excellent article! We wanted to thank you, also,
for the wonderful article you did on the dinner
we hosted for JessycaAlbuan, as part of Black Bear
Diner’s December Make-A-Wish fundraising
campaign.We loved meeting this family and we
were so glad to see Jessyca doing so well!You had
such a short time to gather all the information
and pictures, yet it was a thoughtful, sensitive and
accurate article.We greatly appreciate you taking
the time to write it.
Brenda and Jimmy D’Amico, Black Bear Diner
Oakley, CA
just finished reading the magazine cover to
cover. Wow! I loved it. I had read a few
articles over the past few weeks, but tonight, I
brought it to my bed to read while listening to
the Warrior game. I read the Dwight story out
loud to my daughter, Rachel.When I was done,
I asked her what she thought. Her reply, “I read
that the other night at Panera Bread (off Lone
Tree/Antioch).” Lol. She is always curious about
that guy, too. She thinks you were pretty brave
and it must have been scary for you. I would
bet she will have lots of questions next time we
run into you. My favorite story was the Sean
Aiken one.What an amazingly inspiring young
man. I also liked the LynDeeWalker article. I am
searching for my Nook so I can order one of her
books. Just wanted to share my thoughts. Keep
up the great work!
Sandy Strobel
Brentwood, CA
delta mail…
delta living
letter from the editor
Do you have something you would like
to share with us? Please e-mail your
letter to charleenbearley@gmail.com
Delta Living Magazine is pub-
lished quarterly on recycled pa-
per. Copyright© 2012 by Charleen
Earley. Single copy price $4 in
U.S.A. on 100% recycled paper.
$15 for annual subscription. Reproduction in
whole or in part without written permission of
the publisher is strictly prohibited. Printed in
the U.S.A. E-zine version available. Contact
charleenbearley@gmail.com, 925.383.3072 or
visit www.deltalivingmagazine.com.
All rights reserved. No part of any issue of Delta Living
Magazine, be it editorial content, photographs or adver-
tising design, may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means;
electronic, mechanical, photocopy, or any other format,
without the prior permission of the publisher. All facts,
opinions and statements appearing within this publication
are those of the writers and editors themselves and are in
no way to be construed as statements, positions, views or
endorsements by the publisher of Delta Living Magazine.
Accuracy of all information cannot be guaranteed. Due
to uncertain nature of U.S. Postal Service and third party
freight services, Delta Living Magazine does not guaran-
tee delivery of said publication by any specific date.
Charleen Earley
- charleenbearley@gmail.com
Conrad Borba
- conradborba@gmail.com
Maria Tavares
- mrh_tavares@yahoo.com
Maria Tavares • Doris Hobbs
Emily Wesolek • Dr. Danielle Dowling
Walter Ruehlig • Chef Mark Anthony
William “Bubba” Paris • Dawn Fischer
Charleen Earley
Maria Tavares • Jennifer Cordero
Charleen Earley • Walter Ruehlig
Lisa Taylor
John Hartmann • Maria Tavares
Tammy Borba • Walter Ruehlig
Barbara Ellison-Smith
Walter Ruehlig
P.O. Box 395
Knightsen, CA 94548
$4 each issue or $15 annual
(4 issues a year)
Mail check to:
P.O. Box 395
Knightsen, CA 94548
Make check payable to:
Delta Living Magazine
To some of you, this may come
as a shock: This is my first “Editor’s
Letter.” Ever. As in, this is my first
time as an editor of a publication.
And I couldn’t be more thrilled! It
has always been a passion of mine to
write, and a dream of mine to hold
an editing position for a magazine. (I
was very specific with my goals as a
teenager.) Now I can say to my teen-
age self,“We did it!” I can only hope
that my ambition pays off and that
you enjoy every issue from the Delta
Living Magazine family. Although I
did not obtain a degree in Journal-
ism with a minor in CreativeWriting
from San Francisco State University,
as I had hoped, I still have numerous
credits under my belt (three years’
worth) that have made me a better
writer and editor. When I returned
home to Elk Grove, Ca, I enrolled
in the local community college and
studied photography and Child De-
velopment part-time while work-
ing full-time. In each of the classes I
have taken, I can still say my strongest
suit was in writing all of the papers
required for each subject. I am con-
stantly reading whatever I can get my
hands on, and rewriting phrases and
short stories in my head. I also enjoy
blogging about my photography and
photographing for my blog. This is
my second issue as editor for Delta
Living Magazine. For our new and
faithful readers, thank you for taking
the time to flip through our pages
and see all of our hard work come
to fruition. Because of this magazine,
I have had the pleasure of meeting
people who just ...change lives.Learn
about Joy Love Williams and her
“joy” for life as she waits for two new
lungs (pg 30). Get to know Kathleen
Hering, author of
“Hammered, Nailed
and Screwed”
“Ripped, Stripped
and Flipped”
(pg 20). Need a little
help with your springtime wardrobe?
Have no fear, a simple Q&A can help
you with that (pg 18) I look for-
ward to meeting new, life-changing
people, and reading all about their
stories through this magazine. And I
would love to hear from you! Send
any questions or comments my way:
Happy reading.
Maria Tavares